(new edition)



Uzbekistan fencing federation, hereinafter referred to as “Federation”, “UFF”, is a public organization based on the membership, with the following purposes:

  • promotion of fencing as a sport,
  • its popularization,
  • organization and management of sports events on the whole territory of the Republic Uzbekistan,
  • preparation and training of National fencing teams of Uzbekistan.

The “UFF” activity is based on the principles of legitimacy, publicity, voluntariness, equality of her members, self-management, respect of person rights and freedom.

The official name of the fencing association of the Republic of Uzbekistan is:


  • Full name in Uzbek language:
  • Ўзбекистон Қиличбозлик Федерацияси»;
    • Abbreviation in Uzbek language-«ЎҚФ»;
    • Full name in Russian language:
  • Федерация Фехтования Узбекистана»;
    • Abbreviation in Russian language: « ФФУ»;
    • Full name in English language:
  • «Uzbekistan Fencing Federation»;
    • Abbreviation: «UFF»;


The territory of UFF activity is Republic of Uzbekistan:


  1. The fencing federation implements activities to develop fencing as a sport.
  2. UFF implements its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  3. UFF carries out its work in accordance with the laws “Of non-state and non-profit organizations”, “Of public associations in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “Of guarantees of activity of non-state and non-profit organizations”, “Of physical training and sport”, other legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Charter and is guided in its activities by generally recognized international principles, norms and standards of fencing sport.
  4.  UFF is an official state registered legal entity, pursuant to the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has separate ownership and property, independent balance, checking and other accounts in banks and other credit institutions, the official name, seals, stamps and forms with its own official name. UFF can have flags, emblems, pennants or other symbolic elements which should be registered and set according to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  5. UFF may acquire and realize on its own behalf:
  • property and personal non-property rights, perform duties,
  • be a plaintiff and a defendant in a court of general jurisdiction, economic and arbitration courts,
  • in the interests of achieving statutory goals, commit transactions that agree with the statutory goals of the UFF and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, both on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad.
  1.  UFF is free to determine its own internal structure, purposes, forms and methods of its activity, according to the Charter.
  2. The federation is not responsible for obligations to the state, state units or organization; as well as the state and its units or organizations are not responsible for obligations to the Federation.
  3. The federation is not responsible for obligations of its members, as well as the members of the Federation are not responsible for obligations of the Federation.
  4. The federation undertakes its activity in close interaction with public authorities and bodies of local self-government, as well as supports direct connection and communication with local and international organizations.
  5. The jurisdiction and powers of UFF, in accordance with the Charter, apply to all members of the Federation.

The location of the permanent governing body of the Federation (the Executive Committee): Tashkent, Shaykhantaur district, Islam Karimov street, 98A.








1.The goals of UFF activity are:

  • to develop, promote and popularize the fencing as a sport

in the Republic of Uzbekistan,

  • increase awareness and the role of fencing in development of comprehensive and harmonious personality,
  • improve and perfect sports skills of athletes and strengthen the position and prestige of domestic sport in international competitions.

  2. The duties of UFF are:

  1. development and promotion of fencing as a sport among children and adolescents;
  2. encouragement in holding to the principles and spirit of fencing by ensuring equal and fair conditions to athletes during fencing competitions;
  3. assistance in organizing and managing fencing events in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  4. promotion the positive role of fencing as a sport in health and physical improvement of the population;
  5. assistance in preparation our National fencing teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for participation in national, international and integrated competitions;
  6. development and promotion of relations in sports with other international fencing organizations;
  7. participation and representation of fencing of the Republic of Uzbekistan in local and international competitions.

The main activities of UFF are to:

  1. provide conditions for successful performance of National teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan in fencing competitions;
  2. organize and conduct competitions in fencing, on the whole territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  3. provide social protection of the rights and interests of athletes, sports professionals and veterans of fencing;
  4. implement activities aimed at preventing from using prohibited doping and other harmful for health products and methods by athletes in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code of the World Anti-Doping Agency and anti-doping rules established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  5. assist in preparation and training of sports judges and organization their involvement in fencing activities;
  6. set and ensure trainings for coaches, judges,

professionals and members of UFF;

  1. develop methodological and information materials for skill enhancement;
  1. develop and adopt UFF regulations, regulatory and other documents for monitoring the implementation of tasks;
  2. create favorable conditions for association of experts in fencing for the purpose of professional cooperation, exchange of experience, realization of the creative and potential of members of UFF;
  3. analyze and summarize the development of fencing as a sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan, performances of fencing athletes in national, international and integrated competitions;
  4. provide materials for state awards nomination of UFF members: athletes, coaches and other professionals;
  5. organize manufacturing and sale of official, commemorative and award attributes with UFF symbols and emblems;
  6. develop the material and technical basis for fencing sport in the Republic of Uzbekistan, assist in providing fencing equipment, inventory, facilities, technical equipment, sports uniform;
  7. work with investors and sponsors for the implementation of programs and projects for fencing development;
  8. form and finance scientific and pedagogical teams for curricula, plans and methodological manuals for fencing;
  9. implement activities in publication and media area, information dissemination in electronic and print media;
  10. work on publication of the media: newspapers, magazines, as well as booklets, posters, programs, calendars and other types of printed materials that promote fencing, sports and healthy lifestyle;
  11. grant promotion and material incentives to athletes and relevant coaches who have achieved high athletic performance;
  12. work on establishment and maintenance of relations with foreign organizations for implementation of the goals defined by the Charter;
  13. implement activities that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and complying with the goals and objectives of the Federation.








For implementation of its statutory goals in accordance with

the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UFF has the right to:

  1. hold and organize sporting events, fencing competitions in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  2. grant and honor the status of champions, championship winners, cup winners;
  3. have exclusive rights to utilize the names of sports or sports event and its symbols; to advertise goods, works and services in the venue of sports and sports events; to choose manufacturers of sports equipment, sports equipment and equipment used in physical training and sports events; to cover sports and sports events by broadcasting images and (or) sound of events and (or) with the help of various technologies, as well as by broadcast recording and (or) photo and video coverage of the event;
  4. be fully entitled to manufacture, use and dispose the official commemorative and premium attributes, emblems and symbolic of UFF;
  5. arrange papers for coaches’ evaluation in fencing and monitor their activities;
  6.  implement the formation of teams, preparation of fencing athletes in the Republic of Uzbekistan, participation in republic, international and integrated competitions;
  7. send athletes with different skill levels who comprise the National teams and their coaches to training camps;
  8. develop official fencers’ uniform, equipment and attributes for National teams of the Republic Uzbekistan in competitions;
  9. represent athletes and coaches to the executive body of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan that is responsible for the physical training and sports and to the National Olympic committee of Uzbekistan;
  10. assign and grant qualifications, honorary titles and awards to athletes and coaches;
  11. schedule republican and international sporting events in fencing

and participate in its implementation;


  1. invite foreign experts or send athletes, coaches, judges and other specialists abroad for participation and cooperation in UFF activity;
  2. freely disseminate information about UFF activity, engage in publishing, advertising and information activities and be a fund provider for media;
  3. participate in television and radio programs, in the activities of UFF, engage in propagation and promotion fencing and active lifestyle among the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  4. promote scientific researches in the area of fencing;
  5. set restrictions and impose sanctions on members of UFF, for violating the provisions of the Charter or other regulations of the Federation, as well as not executing decisions of governing and other bodies of UFF;
  6. provide organizational, consulting, methodological and other assistance to structural units of UFF and individual members of the Federation;
  7. prepare and form sports reserve teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  8. receive funds, including budget funds, for implementation of

the statutory goals and objectives of UFF, including

preparation and participation in sports activities of National teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan in fencing and physical training and sports;

  1. join the international sports organizations and acquire rights and obligations relevant to the status of members of international sports organizations;
  2. carry out statutory duties in accordance with the law;
  3. Implement the entrepreneurial and foreign economic activities that are relevant to the goals of the Federation;
  4. make agreements, enter into various types of contracts, relating to the Civil law tradition;
  5. establish jointly with foreign companies: subsidiaries, branches and self-supporting organizations that have the rights of  a legal entity in order to attract additional material and financial resources, have the right to reorganize and liquidate them in the prescribed manner and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Charter; at the same time, the income received from the production and economic activities of these organizations cannot be redistributed among members of the UFFA and should be used only to fulfill the statutory goals and objectives of the UFF;

25. cooperate with public authorities and local authorities on issues of physical training and sports development in the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  1. create committees, commissions, councils, colleges and other bodies for main activities of UFF;
  2. assist in organization, production, acquisition and distribution of sports products that are necessary in development and promotion of fencing in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  3. independently determine the federation internal structure, forms and methods of activity, budgets and staffs;
  4. encourage and keep active the members of UFF;
  5. involve experts in developing of regulatory documents, inspections and consultations;
  6. hire employees to work full-time in the Federation, to whom applies the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Labor and Social insurance;
  7. report on the Championships, Championships Cup, Fencing Cups with National teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan by transferring the image and (or) sound of sporting events with the help of any possible means and (or) using any technology, as well as broadcast recording and photo coverage of events; permission for passing materials to third parties.

      UFF is obliged to:

  1. follow the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with generally accepted principles and rules of the national and international laws concerning the field of UFF activity;
  2. cooperate with other disciplines of physical training and sports, to ensure the fencing promotion and development in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  3. protect the rights and interests of athletes, coaches, sports judges, other professionals and veterans of fencing in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  4. unite the efforts and activities of members of UFF;
  5. coordinate and manage the activities of members of the Federation and other people interested in the development of fencing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  6. develop and submit a program of fencing development to the executive body of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan that is in charge of physical training and sport;
  7. participate and draw up schedule plans for sporting fencing events in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as implement time schedule plans for international physical training and sporting events;
  8. establish a system of following and monitoring the implementation of rules and standards set by UFF, if needed to impose sanctions and restrictions or disqualification;
  9. develop and approve the criteria for all age groups of athletes in selection of different candidates eligible to be in the main or reserve teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan in competitions;
  10. form and submit the lists of candidates of different age category, for approval to the executive body of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, that is in charge of physical training and sports;
  11. assist and provide trainings for sports teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in national and international competitions in fencing;
  12. be present and participate in decisions concerning establishing sports training centers and appointing them as additional education, for children who engaged in preparation for sports reserve teams;
  13. develop the model of fencing training for athletes of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  14. counteract the use of doping agents, as well as the manifestation of any forms of discrimination and violence in sport;
  15. permit the representatives of the body, who is in charge of state registration of UFF, to carry out activities and assist in familiarizing the activities of the Federation in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  16. submit tax, statistical and other reports provided by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the authorized state bodies in the manner prescribed by the law.




1. Membership in UFF is voluntary.

2. The members of UFF can be:

  • individuals who have reached the age of 18,
  • citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
  • foreign citizens or stateless people.

3. Members of the UFF may approve a candidate recognizing the charter of the UFF, promoting activities and development of fencing in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and actively participating on a voluntary basis in all activities of the Federation.

4. Admission to membership for individuals is carried out on the basis of their written application.

5. Membership in other unions, associations or others, where the goals are not similar to the goals of UFF activity, does not prevent potential candidates from membership in UFF.

6. The withdrawal from the membership of UFF is voluntary.

The membership is considered to be lost as soon as the Federation receives a written application from the UFF member containing information on the voluntary withdrawal.

7. Exclusion from the membership in the UFF is possible when members of UFF do not comply with statutory requirements, membership obligations, or do actions that discredit the UFF.

8. In case of voluntary withdrawal or expulsion from UFF membership, the entrance admissions and membership fees are not refundable.

9. UFF membership can honor titles. The title “UFF Honorary Member” can be given to athletes, coaches, judges, public figures and fencing veterans who have made significant contributions to the development of the Federation.

10. All members of UFF have equal rights and equal duties.

11. Members of UFF have the rights to:

  • participate UFF activities in accordance with the procedure provided by the Charter and by the internal regulations of the Federation;
  • elect or be elected to the Executive Committee of the UFF and the control and audit bodies of the UFF;
  • participate in planning, in development and implementation of projects and programs of UFF, in discussions related to the results of UFF activities, in the manner prescribed by the Charter and the internal regulations of the Federation;
  • make proposals or ideas to the governing bodies regarding  the improvements of UFF activities;
  • receive information relating the activities and work of the federation, in the manner prescribed by the Charter and the internal regulations of the Federation;
  • use educational, methodical, scientific and other types of information for development of UFF activity;
  • participate in events held by the Federation;
  • withdraw voluntarily from the membership of the UFF;
  • use the help of UFF in defending the rights and legitimate interests in fencing.


12. Members of UFF are obliged to:

  • comply with the provisions of the Charter, comply with other regulations that governing the activities of the Federation and internal regulations of the Federation;
  • pay admission and membership fees, amount and terms of which established by the Executive Committee of UFF;
  • implement the decisions of the governing bodies of UFF;
  • promote the achievements and the statutory goals of UFF,

 for development and popularization of fencing in the Republic of Uzbekistan.





1. The governing bodies of UFF are: Conference, Executive Committee, Chairman.

2. Conference is the supreme governance body of the UFF.

3. The Conference is held when it’s needed but not less than 1 time per year. Reporting and Election Conference of the UFF is held at least once every four years. The decision to hold the Conference is made by the Executive Committee which in advance, within 30 calendar days informs the members of the UFF about the dates and venue of the conference, i.e. the agenda.

4. The UFF Conference is set and opened by the Chairman of the Federation who proposes a candidate and appoint person as the Chairperson of the Conference meeting. The Chairperson of the Conference meeting and the secretary of the meeting are elected by the members of the UFF. Each member of the Federation has one vote in the Conference. To pass one’s right to vote from one member of the Federation to another member is prohibited.

5. The Extraordinary Conference may be convened by the decision of UFF Executive Committee only if approved by majority of votes of its members of a quorum and with a set rule: no later than 30 days from the date when the written request to convene the Extraordinary Conference meeting was received from the Chairman of the FFU and the Federation Audit Commission or 2/3 of the total number of members of FFU.

6.The competence of the Conference includes the following issues:

  • hearing annual reports and annual balance sheets;
  • hearing the Federation’s financial plan and amendments;
  • the creation of structural subdivisions of the Federation and commercial organizations with the status of a legal entity to perform statutory tasks;
  • setting up new representative offices of the Federation abroad.

7. The exclusive competence of the Conference includes the power and rights to:

  1. set main directions for development and activities,
  2. set the principles of formation and use of property;
  3. Elect and approve for four-year term of:

UFF Chairman; Deputy Chairmen; The Secretary General; Executive Committee; Audit Commission and possible early termination of their powers.

  1. approve the UFF Charter, amend the Charter, in the prescribed manner;
  2. hear and approve the report of the Executive Committee of the UFF and the Audit Commission;
  3. reorganize and liquidate UFF;
  4. form the executive bodies of the Federation and early termination of their powers.
  5. make decisions whether the exclusive competence of the Conference be taken by majority (2/3) of the votes of the members present.
  6. make decisions of the Conference that can be made by simple majority of votes of the members of the Federation present at the meeting.
  7. form of voting (open, secret) that can be determined on the agenda of the UFF conference.
  8. make decisions whether the UFF Conference enters into force from the moment of its adoption, unless a different date of entry into force is specifically indicated in the decision of the Conference of the Federation.
  9. Decisions of the Conference shall be recorded in the meeting minutes of the Conference of the Federation.


  1. Meeting Minutes of the UFF Conference contain mandatory information on:

• the place and time of the next Conference;

• the total number of UFF members at the Conference meeting;

• the Secretary of the Conference;

•  issues addressed by the Conference;

• persons who spoke at the Conference;

• about the issues taken up for vote and the voting results for each issue;

• the decisions taken by the Conference;

• other information that, in accordance with decisions made at Conference, should be reflected in the meeting minutes of the Conference.

  1. Meeting Minutes of the UFF Conference must be duly executed, not later than ten days after the Conference’s closure, and should be performed in one copy. An attendance list of members of UFF is obligatory attached to the Protocol.
  2. Decisions of the Conference should be published on UFF official information resources in the Internet.
  3. Meeting minutes of the Conference shall be signed by the Chairman of the meeting of the Conference and the Secretary of the Conference and shall be certified by the round seal of the FFU.
  4. For daily management activity of the UFF in the period between the convocations of the Conference, the Executive Committee is elected who is the permanent operating executive body of the UFF.
  5. The UFF Executive Committee is elected by the Conference among the members of the Federation for 4 years. The size of the Executive Committee shall be established by the Conference. The Chairman of the Federation, the Deputy Chairmen of the Federation and the Secretary General are necessarily elected to the Executive Committee of the Federation.

The powers of a member of the Executive Committee may be terminated early by decision of the Conference of the Federation or by the request of more than 50% members of the Conference, or upon the decision of the Executive Committee based on a personal statement of a member of the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee:

• preside for once in every three months or when it’s needed;

• can accept new members of UFF, suspends membership, and excludes from the Federation; approves the members of the Federation;

• determines the amount, procedure and terms of entrance fee, membership and other fees (application fee for participation in the competition, etc.);

• develops activities, plans and programs to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Conference, as well as the tasks and functions assigned to the UFF;

• prepares an annual report on the activities of the Federation for submission to the Conference for approval;

• approves the calendar schedule of sports competitions and events of the Federation;

• makes decisions on holding republican and international fencing competitions;

• approves nominations of the head coach, senior coaches and coaches of the national fencing teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

• forms teams of trainers, specialists or medical support also including foreign citizens, who prepare and sports fencing teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in international official sports events;

• decides and evaluate the performance and the results of sports fencing teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the contribution of coaches and other specialists during the process of training athletes;

• approves rules, regulations and other fencing regulations, establishes a system for monitoring the implementation work, including a system of imposing sanctions and restrictions;

• on the proposal of the Chairman of the Federation, approves the frequency of holding official sports events by the Federation;

• with the Chairman of the Federation, approves the criteria for the selection of athletes for inclusion in the composition of sports teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan on fencing;

• approves the lists of candidate, for the main and reserve teams of the sports fencing team of the Republic of Uzbekistan, later send the lists of candidate for approval to the executive body in the field of physical training and sports;

• approves the official fencing uniform and equipment for the national fencing teams of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

• forms, approves and implements different programs for professional development and retraining of athletes, programs for qualification of sports judges, coaches, and other fencing specialists;

• regulate the procedure for holding republican and international fencing competitions, and other official sporting events, including Championships, Championships Cup of Uzbekistan;

• approves the official symbols of the Federation;

• makes decisions on conducting an audit of the Federation’s activities and approves an auditor;

• makes decisions on the creation or liquidation of separate divisions of the Federation that do not have the status of a legal entity, and liquidate their registration with the judicial authorities in the manner prescribed;

• coordinates the activities of separate subdivisions, both those that possess the legal status of a legal entity and those that do not possess the specified status;

• approves the general structure of the Federation;

• appoints Chairs and General Secretaries of territorial departments of UFF;

• elects the Honorary Members of UFF;

• approves the regulatory documents of the UFF governing the activities of the Federation, which can be not fully co-regulated with the Charter or the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

• hears the auditing commission reports and, if necessary, makes decisions on the results of inspections;

• solves issues related to the performance of statutory duties, except those related to the competence of the Conference.

  • The Executive Committee is competent to make decisions with the help of majority of votes if more than half of its members are present at the meeting.
  • Chairman of the Federation is the Chairperson of the meetings of the Executive Committee, in his absence, the President is one of the Deputy Chairmen or the Secretary-General of the UFF, are appointed by the relevant order of the UFF Chairman.
  • The Chairman of the UFF provides overall leadership of the Federation.



The Chairman of UFF:

  • Make reports to the Conference and the Executive Committee of the UFF;

• chairs the meetings of the Conference of the Federation and the Executive Committee and has the right of a decisive vote in the event of a tie vote when the Executive Committee makes decisions;

• submits to the Conference the candidacy of the Deputy Chairmen of the Federation and the General Secretary election;

determines the powers of the Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General;

• approves work plans, staffing, salary fund for employees of the Federation;

• submits to state bodies established reports on UFF activities, in accordance with the law;

• without a power of attorney represents the interests of the UFF in cooperation with international organizations, government bodies, local governments, organizations of various organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership and territorial activity, as well as individuals;

• concludes and terminates on behalf of the Federation, labor contracts with employees of the Federation;

issues orders and instructions;

• manages the property and funds of the Federation with the estimates approved by the Executive Committee;

• performs organizational and regulatory functions, undertake civil law transactions, opens checking and other accounts in banks, issues powers of attorney to represent the interests of the Federation;

• monitors the implementation of decisions of the Executive Committee;

• performs, within the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, any other actions necessary to achieve the statutory goals of the Federation, with the exception of those which, in accordance with this Charter and UFF internal regulations, are within the competence of the Federation Conference, the Executive Committee;

• if urgent consideration of issues is required and within the competence of the Executive Committee, it can solely make decisions, later followed by approval at a regular meeting of the Executive Committee;

•decide on promotion of employees UFF.


The Chairman of the Federation has the right to delegate his powers to his deputies and other employees of the UFF in the form of order.


 Deputy Chairman of the UFF:

• reports to the Conference, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the UFF;

• performs functions in accordance with the official duties approved by the UFF Chairman;

• chair the meetings of the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chairman of the Federation and under the relevant order of the Chairman of the UFF;

• Submits progress report to the Conference, the Executive Committee and the Chairperson for approval;

• monitors the implementation of decisions of the Conference;

• performs, in the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, any other actions necessary to achieve the statutory goals of the Federation, with the exception of those which, in accordance with this Charter, fall within the competence of the Conference of the Federation, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Federation.

  • For implementation of the current organizational, executive, financial and economic activities, UFF has an administrative apparatus in accordance with the list of staff approved by the Federation Chairman.



General Secretary of the Federation:

• reports to the Conference, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the UFF;

• performs functions in accordance with the official duties approved by the UFF Chairman;

• chair the meetings of the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chairman of the Federation under the relevant order from the Chairman of UFF;

• monitors the implementation of decisions of the Conference;

• performs, in the framework of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, any other actions necessary to achieve the statutory goals of the Federation, with the exception of those which, in accordance with this Charter, fall within the competence of the Conference of the Federation, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Federation.

• provides preparation of documents for consideration at meetings of the Conference;

• organizes the work of governing bodies of UFF;

• to make up an annual report on the work that has been done;

• fulfills individual assignments of the Chairman of the Federation and the Executive Committee.


Control and Auditing Commission of the Federation

Control and Auditing Commission of the Federation (hereinafter referred to as the “CAC”) carries out an inspection (audit) of the financial and economic activities of the Federation on the basis of the results of the Federation’s activities for the reporting period. CAC has the right to conduct extraordinary inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Federation on the basis of decisions of the governing bodies of the Federation (the Conference, the Executive Committee).

The performance of the functions of the CAC may be assigned by the decision of the Conference of the Federation to an independent auditing organization that does not have within its founders and management personnel persons who are simultaneously members of the Executive Committee of the Federation, as well as other positions in the Federation.


The competence of the CAC includes:


• implementation in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the work plans of the CAC, inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Federation following the results of the Federation’s activities for one calendar year, as well as unscheduled inspections;

• confirmation of the data accuracy contained in the annual report of the Federation, the annual financial statements;

• the right to demand personal explanations from Federation officials on matters within the purview of the CAC.

CAC execute this right by sending a written request to an official of the Federation or the Federation authority. Requested explanations must be submitted to the CAC at the location of the Federation or its structural subdivision within three days after the date when the request was corresponded by the CAC.


According to the results of the financial and economic audit of the Federation, the CAC shall draw a conclusion, which should contain:

• confirmation of the data accuracy specified in the financial (accounting) statements of the Federation;

• information on the facts of violation of the order of accounting and presentation of financial statements, which are established by the normative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the normative legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the implementation of the financial and economic activities of the Federation.


  1. The CAC is obliged to promptly communicate to the Conference of the Federation and the Executive Committee of the Federation about the results of its inspections (audits).
  2. The CAC is elected by the Conference of the Federation in the number of not more than three people.
  3. Members of the CAC cannot at the same time be members of the Executive Committee of the Federation, nor can they hold other senior positions in the Federation.
  4. The Chairman of the CAC, is elected by its members, and organizes the work of the commission, one of whose members appoints the secretary and determines his powers.
  5. The Chairman of the CAC signs documents emanating from the commission, represents the documents at meetings of the Conference of the Federation.
  6. Any person elected to an elective office is entitled to resign at any time, notifying the Executive Committee of the Federation in writing.
  7. The powers of any person elected to an elective office may be terminated early by the governing body of the Federation and the same time directly electing the person on the grounds provided for by paragraph 5.37 of the Charter.

The grounds for the early termination of the powers of any person elected to an elective office are:

• electing a person to another position, if it is impossible to combine these positions;

• physical impossibility to fulfill duties by a person elected to an elective office (due to health reasons, death, or recognition as missing);

• the grounds when a person elected into and elective office convicted a crime.

• committing deliberate acts (actions, inactions) that caused substantial material damage to the Federation.

• a gross violation by a person elected to an elective office of the charter of the Federation; non-fulfillment by a person elected to an elective office of the duties assigned to that person by the Federation Charter or by decisions of the Conference or the Executive Committee of the Federation.




  1. The Federation may own land plots, buildings, structures, housing, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, money, shares, other securities and other property necessary for the material support of activities of the Federation. The ownership of the Federation may also include institutions, publications, mass media, created and acquired at the expense of the funds of the Federation in accordance with its statutory goals.
  2. The ownership of the Federation is formed in monetary or in other forms, due to:
  • admission, membership and other fees;
  • receipts from lectures, sports and other events held by the Federation;
  • income (profit) derived from business activities, used only for the statutory purposes;
  • income from foreign economic and other business activities of the Federation, civil law transactions in accordance with the Federation Charter and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • voluntary contributions, technical assistance, charitable donations and other funds not prohibited by law;
  1. Members of UFF have no ownership rights to the property that they transferred to the Federation, including membership fees.
  2. The Federation shall own, use and dispose of property according to the objectives of its activities. The owner of the property of the Federation is the Federation as a whole, except for cases when the ownership of the property belongs to the relevant structural unit of the Federation which is a legal entity.
  3. An individual member of the Federation does not have ownership rights to a share in property owned by the Federation.
    1. UFF is liable for its obligations with all property belonging to it, for which, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it can be redeemed.
  1. The UFF may make any transactions with the property in its ownership that are not contrary to the law. Republic of Uzbekistan, this Charter and correspond to the statutory goals of the Federation.




1. The federation may carry out entrepreneurial activity if it is aimed at achieving statutory goals and objectives and corresponds to these goals and objectives.

2. Entrepreneurial activity of the Federation is performed in accordance with the Civil Code and other legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. The Federation independently plans its business activities and implements foreign economic activity, in the prescribed manner.

4. The Federation may set up business partnerships and companies and other business organizations, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities.

The economic societies and other organizations created by the Federation make payments to the budget in the manner and amount established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5. Revenues from business activities of the Federation cannot be redistributed among Federation members and should be used only for achievement of statutory goals and objectives.

6. Control over the business activities of the Federation is carried out by the Control and Auditing Commission of the Federation, as well as other bodies in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.




The Federation has:

  • official emblem (s) for marketing, pennants, tokens, medals, certificates, diplomas and special signs;
  • stamps, seals and forms for official documents.
  • Samples and sketches of the specified symbols are approved by the Executive Committee of the Federation. Federation symbols are subject to registration and registration in the manner prescribed by law.

The Federation has all the rights to use the symbols and emblems of fencing, with the exception of the state symbols of the Republic of Uzbekistan.




1. Amendments to the Charter of the UFF are made by the decision of the Conference of the UFF, shall be adopted by a qualified majority (2/3) of the votes of the members, that present at a meeting.

2.The Conference on discussion issue of amending the UFF Charter is convened by decision of the UFF Executive Committee.

3. The adopted amendments to the UFF Charter enter into force from the moment of their state registration.





  1. FFU may be reorganized or liquidated in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Reorganization or liquidation of the Federation may be carried out by decision of the Federation Conference, which is adopted by a qualified majority (2/3) of the members present.

The Federation may be liquidated by a court decision in accordance with the civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2. During the reorganization of the Federation, all its documents (managerial, financial and economic, personnel, etc.) are transferred in accordance with the established rules to the successors (assignee) of the Federation.

3. In case of liquidation of the Federation, the Federation property which remained after the satisfaction of the claims of creditors must be aimed at realization of the statutory goals of the Federation.

4. In the event of the dissolution of UFF, the Conference shall appoint a liquidation commission.

5. When UFF is liquidated, the documents of permanent storage and documents on personnel are transferred to the state archival storage. Transfer and ordering of the documents is carried out by and at the expense of the Federation and in accordance with the requirements of archival bodies. 






1. Decisions of the UFF bodies on matters that are not specified in the Charter shall be made in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and arranged in the relevant protocols and other documents and signed by officials of the Federation in accordance with their power.


2. All disputes occurring between members of the Federation or between members of the Federation and UFF, are subject to consideration in court pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.